The Valentine's Day Story Challenge Trending On Facebook

There's a challenge on Facebook that's been making its rounds lately, where couples are sharing their love stories ahead of Valentine's Day. If you haven't seen it yet, I'll outline the challenge for you right here. Here's what you need to know about my wife, Kat, and I:

How we met: the dating app Bumble

First date: 12/4/2018 at Toscana Brick Oven in Canonsburg

How long we've been together: 3 years officially as of this past Friday

Married: 7 months now

Craziest: me, but in the good way. We're both pretty even-keeled.

Who was interested first: me

Who's taller: me

Who said "I love you" first: me

Most impatient: Kat, but for good reasons (this isn't me trying to cover my you know what, that really is the case)

Most sensitive: me

The loudest: Kat

Most stubborn: me

Who falls asleep first: Kat, she loves her sleep

Who's the better cook: it's a tie, we're both pretty darn good

Bigger morning person: neither of us are morning people, but I'd say me because I can't sleep in to save my life.

Who's the better driver: another tie here

Most competitive: me

Who's the funniest: me

Where do we eat out the most: Chipotle, with Texas Roadhouse a close second

More social: Kat

Who's the neat freak: Kat

Who plans the date nights: me, most of the time

Who picks where we go to dinner: me, most of the time

The first to admit they're wrong: me

Who has more tattoos: Kat

Who's the better singer: Kat

Who spends the most money: Kat. The week isn't complete until an Amazon box shows up on the porch.

All jokes aside, I've pick the right Valentine for the rest of my life!

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