What Moms Really Want For Mother’s Day

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Mother’s Day is still a couple months away, but it’s never too early to start thinking about how to celebrate the mothers in your life. When it comes to gifts for the holiday, flowers and jewelry that remind her of her family are popular choices, but new research reveals what moms actually want for Mother’s Day this year. And it’s totally budget-friendly.

A new survey of 2-thousand moms by LEGO Group and Moonpig finds that the thing moms want more than anything else in the world is … time. That’s it. Just time. Time to rest, to spend with their family and not be rushing around to be the super mom they are the other 364 days of the year.

Specifically, the poll shows that 58% of moms want free time to be able to “drop everything” for Mother’s Day.

  • With that time, moms say they’d like to read a book (42%), watch TV (44%), do their favorite hobby or creative activity (30%), practice mindfulness (11%) or just go to the bathroom by themselves (10%).
  • Moms also want to enjoy relaxing activities like taking a walk, listening to music, exercising, taking a nap and taking a bath in peace.
  • Just over half of moms (51%) would love to spend quality time with their families on their special day, as in time they’re not having to take care of everyone else’s needs.
  • The reasons moms really want time is that they’re busy with work (65%) and busy doing household chores (58%), so having a break from both of those things would give moms a chance to recharge.

Source: Scary Mommy

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