Sarasota Police Grants Tot’s MAKE-A-WISH To Be An Officer

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A brave 4-year-old boy from Egg Harbor Township, New Jersey, named Andrew Pickart who has been battling cancer was offered a chance to have a special wish fulfilled. "When Make-A-Wish reached out to us and asked to talk to Andrew about what he wanted to do, he said, 'Well, I want to go to the beach,'" recalls Andrew’s dad Michael Pickart, "He has memories of doing that before he got sick."

Andrew had also mentioned that he likes the police and how they chase the “bad guys.” So when Make-A-Wish representatives started working on Andrew’s beach trip, they contacted the Sarasota Police Department (SPD) hoping they could lend a hand. "We just jumped at the chance," says SPD Chief Rex Troche, “We quickly got a lot of units in motion and we were able to put some things together.”

On Andrew’s big day, he was sworn in as an honorary SPD officer and given his very own uniform. He got to meet the Chief, tour some patrol cars, and witness demonstrations by the department’s K-9s and their SWAT team. Troche’s mission was to make sure it was a day Andrew would never forget. "We're hoping that he enjoyed it,” the Chief says, “But the goal for us was to make this a special day for him." And the Pickarts believe they achieved that goal, calling Andrew’s big day a “dream come true.”

Source: WTSP

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