Colorado Postal Worker Helps Save Elderly Woman's Life

Photo: Drazen Zigic / iStock / Getty Images

During an ordinary Saturday of mail delivery for Durango, Colorado, postal carrier Seana Green, she realized her favorite resident, 89-year-old Marlyn Schmidt, hadn't picked up her mail for three days. Green had grown accustomed to catching up with Schmidt during her route and when she didn’t see her, it raised a red flag. "I usually see her sitting on her porch and we chitchat a couple times a week," Green shares, "I didn't see her on Thursday, Friday or Saturday."

Concerned for Schmidt’s safety, Green knocked on the door. After a minute, she could hear a faint response from inside. The postal worker let herself inside Schmidt’s home and discovered her lying on the kitchen floor.

As a member of the La Plata County Search and Rescue team, Green knew not to try and move Schmidt and promptly called 911. Schmidt was rushed to the hospital where medical staff estimated that she might have been on the floor unable to move for over two days. She’s being treated for her fall and for dehydration and Green is being praised for going above and beyond and possibly saving a life.


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